Medical Affairs: Advancing Access Through Medical Partnerships

Medical Affairs is increasingly important as scientific discoveries rapidly change healthcare standards. They play a crucial role in clearly communicating new innovations and speeding up their availability.

Yet companies focused on larger markets often overlook medical engagement to support ethical product launches in lower-middle income countries.

Established in 1999, Swiss-based Delta Medical bridges this divide through dedicated medical affairs resources directly building trust with regional healthcare communities across:

13 Emerging market countries

Specialty and orphan disease portfolios

Evidence supporting differentiation

We ease manufacturer market entry through scientific exchange, safety vigilance and stakeholder education – laying foundations for launch momentum.

Our Medical Affairs Capabilities Span:

Congress presence establishing legitimacy

Clinical trial facilitation demonstrating localized outcomes

Compliance enforcement preventing perception

Key opinion leader access building prescriber confidence

We operate in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Delta Medical enables partner expansion through specialized medical affairs proficiencies developed over the past two decades.  

Committed to Medical Dialogue on Unmet Needs

In medical affairs, we focus on understanding the specific patient groups, the severity of their conditions, and the infrastructure needed for specialist care. This helps us to create effective launch strategies, ensuring treatments are accessible, affordably priced, and well-positioned in the market.

Ethical Response to Specialized Medical Inquiries

Dealing with rare diseases and specific treatments naturally leads to complex questions about the implications and challenges that specialized doctors face. These include deciding the right use of treatments and managing what patients expect. Delta Medical’s medical affairs team help navigate these uncertainties by:

Tackling Inquiries with Precision and Personalization

Advancing Patient Safety in Clinical Medicine

As guardians for patient wellbeing, our specialists guide partners upholding ethical obligations across:

Pharmacovigilance and Safety Surveillance

Enhancing Salesforce Competency with Ongoing Field Medical Training

Introducing specialized treatments for rare diseases depends on field medical teams teaching doctors how to choose the right patients, manage treatment protocols, monitor for side effects, and access assistance networks to encourage their use.

Delta Medical prepares field medical, scientific and marketing staff through immersive training across:

Medical Leadership Cooperation

Adoption of treatments won’t increase access if there’s a lack of support systems, such as training for key opinion leaders (KOLs), specialist training centers, or advanced diagnostics for identifying patients.

Thus Delta Medical medical consultants broaden engagement through:

Delta Medical’s medical teams are supported by a well-developed ecosystem, creating a ready environment for change and speeding up adoption when products arrive.

For we know, medicine advances only when infrastructure and beliefs progress in parallel – guiding usage appropriately – elevating standards universally.

Safeguarding Integrity Through Proactive Governance

Delta Medical places a high priority on maintaining its perceived independence from commercial influences to preserve physician trust and ensure ongoing collaboration.

To safeguard this integrity, the company has implemented proactive governance measures, including:

Activating Patient and Payer Partnerships

Driving availability involves more than just clinical support. Therefore, Delta Medical engages with patient groups and payer advisory boards, incorporating real-life experiences and financial considerations into early launch planning.

Advancing Availability Through Specialized Medical Partnerships

Specialty medicine leaders must train their staff to ethically share complex information with regional doctors and invest in additional resources to improve access.

Often, companies focus on wealthier markets and overlook the importance of medical partnerships in lower-middle income countries, where there is high need but limited affordability.

Since 1999, Switzerland’s Delta Medical has been working to bridge this gap by dedicating resources to build trust in healthcare communities across 13 emerging Eurasian regions that are often ignored.

Delta Medical Provides:

Consultative Scientific Exchange Rooted in Need Identification

Responsible Evidence Generation for Localized Decision Making

Compliant Multi Stakeholder Engagement Accelerating Outcomes

Delta Medical helps global manufacturers maintain ethical standards in science, patient focus, and continuous care, now reaching populations that previously had limited access to new medical innovations.

McKinsey research suggests that over 90% of global health growth in the next decade will be in mid-income economies. Therefore, combining scientific and commercial partnerships is essential for more equitable healthcare access in the 2020s and beyond.

Delta Medical rises to this challenge with a focus on presence and patience, blending commercial launch expertise with medical dedication, ensuring proper use of treatments while expanding opportunities.

Partner with Delta Medical to Expand Access in Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia Through Specialized Medical Affairs.