Medical Device Registration in Kyrgyzstan

The registration of medical devices and equipment in the Kyrgyz Republic is regulated by the Ministry of Health and overseen by the Department of Medicinal Products and Medical Devices. Companies looking to export and sell medical products in Kyrgyzstan must register those devices with the authorities and obtain approval before they can be marketed and sold in the country.
Name | Address | Phone | |
Department of Medicines and Medical Devices of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic | 25 Tretya Liniya street, 720044, Bishkek city | +996 312 210 591 | |
This process is vital for international medical device manufacturers and distributors seeking access to the Kyrgyz and Central Asian markets. Registration requirements include submission of a standardized dossier with key information about the device, its testing, clinical evaluation data, labeling, quality systems and manufacturing controls.

Following is a step-by-step guide to medical device registration in Kyrgyzstan, outlining the key regulations, process, timelines and considerations for marketing authorization. It aims to help regulatory managers and directors navigate Kyrgyzstan’s regulatory landscape and successfully register innovative medical equipment, IVD tests, reagents and other healthcare products in this growing Eurasian market.
Overview of Regulations and Authorities in Kyrgyzstan
The medical device registration framework in Kyrgyzstan is based on the 2012 Technical Regulations “On the Safety of Medical Devices” mandated by the Kyrgyz government. The regulations categorize medical devices based on risk classes and oversee their evaluation via external expert review, analytical testing and technical documentation review.
The Ministry of Health handles the authorization of medical devices through its Department of Medicinal Products and Medical Equipment. This body has the authority to request additional information from manufacturers, conduct site inspections, and review clinical data and risk assessments before approving a device. Once registered, a Certificate is issued and the medical device is added to Kyrgyzstan’s national Register of Medical Equipment and Devices.
Types of Medical Devices Requiring Registration in Kyrgyzstan
The medical device registration requirements apply to a wide range of healthcare products sold for diagnostic or treatment purposes in Kyrgyzstan, including:
- Medical equipment (e.g. patient monitors, ventilators, lasers)
- Consumables and reagents (e.g. test strips, reagents)
- IVD/diagnostics tests and analyzers
- Dental instruments and devices
- Hospital aids (e.g. wheelchairs, hospital beds)
- Implants (orthopedic, cardiac)
- Software as a Medical Device
The regulations cover both electronic and mechanical devices, instruments and appliances used for clinical or personal use. Products register based on their risk classification – there are stricter controls around Class III high-risk devices.
Registration Application and Dossier Requirements
Companies preparing to register products in Kyrgyzstan must assemble a comprehensive submission dossier in line with national guidelines and requirements. This application is vital for regulatory approval and market access.
Here are the key components international medical device companies need to know when applying for registration in Kyrgyzstan:
The Registration Submission Consists of 3 Key Parts:
- Application form and Power of Attorney – confirms manufacturer’s authorization of the applicant
- Registration dossier per national requirements – all technical, safety, efficacy and labeling information
The registration dossier should include:
- Technical documentation with product description, intended use, specifications
- Safety and efficacy assessment report
- Record of manufacturer inspection
- Receipt showing payment of registration fees
- Labeling text, instructions for use, user manual
- Authorized representative letter
- Marketing history worldwide
- Product testing protocols and reports
- Risk analysis file identifying hazards and mitigations
- Summary of quality management system
- Product samples – units submitted for testing and review
Language Requirements: Kyrgyzstan offers flexibility regarding dossier languages:
- Registration application information can be provided in English
- Russian translations must accompany all English documents
- Instructions for Use (IFUs) and device labeling should be in Russian and/or Kyrgyz
Applicant Identity The registration application must be submitted by:
- The medical device manufacturer directly; or
- An authorized representative officially appointed by the manufacturer
Using a local agent or subsidiary company can facilitate interactions with the Ministry of Health. However, there is no formal requirement to have a legal entity based in Kyrgyzstan. Many companies rely on Delta Medical’s Bishkek office to facilitate quick registrations.
Step-by-Step Medical Device Registration Procedure
The medical device registration process in Kyrgyzstan follows a structured series of steps from application to approval. Understanding this pre-market approval process is key for international companies:
Overview of the Registration Procedure
The key steps are:
- Compiling registration dossier
- Submitting application to Department of Medicinal Products and Equipment
- Making fee payment
- External expert review
- Product testing
- Clinical evaluations (for high-risk products)
- Review of all registration data
- Certificate issuance if approved
Here is more detail on what’s involved with each registration stage:
Dossier Preparation
This first phase involves compiling all the required information into the standardized dossier in line with Kyrgyzstan’s national format and international technical file structure. Companies may prepare this dossier in-house or engage experienced medical writers and regulatory consultants to ensure compliance.
Submission & Fee Payment
The complete application containing all documentation and product samples is submitted to the registration authorities along with an invoice for the registration fees. Payment must be provided within 30 days.
Expert Review
The regulatory authorities undertake an in-depth review of the entire application dossier. This involves external medical device technical experts evaluating all the safety, performance and effectiveness data. Reviewers may come back with queries or request additional information before approving the submission.
Analytical Testing of Medical Devices
In some cases the registration authorities will conduct analytical testing of product samples at national labs or inspect manufacturing facilities if there are questions around quality or good manufacturing practices.
Clinical Evaluation
For higher risk devices – implants or Class III products – clinical studies and evaluation reports are required to demonstrate safety and performance in the intended patient population. Authorities prefer data from multi-regional clinical investigations including participant demographics relevant to Kyrgyzstan.
Review of Registration Data
The technical experts will prepare an assessment report on the medical device based on the test results, clinical evaluations, and all other areas. This evidence-based review focuses on safety, quality and efficacy.
Registration Certificate
If satisfied with the data, the authorities will issue a Registration Certificate – this approves the medical device for sale and distribution in Kyrgyzstan. The product details are also added to the national online public register. The Kyrgyz national register is found here.
The standard registration procedure takes around 4-5 months total.
The Certificate is valid for 5 years (devices) or 7 years (equipment), subject to regular updates and renewals.
Post-Approval Requirements for Registered Devices
Receiving the registration certificate permits medical device distribution in Kyrgyzstan but also comes with ongoing responsibilities for manufacturers. Key post-approval requirements include:
Variation Reporting
Companies must proactively inform the Ministry of Health regarding any changes to the registered product or quality management system that might affect safety or performance. This includes:
- Design modifications affecting device operation
- Updated labeling with new warnings/precautions
- Manufacturing process or facility changes
- Software updates significantly impacting functionality
Variations must be supported by risk review data – otherwise new approval may be required.
Renewal Applications of Medical Devices in Kyrgyzstan
Registration certificates for medical devices in Kyrgyzstan are not open-ended. Companies must submit renewal applications before the 5/7 year approval terms expire to keep their products approved in the market.
The renewal procedure mirrors initial registration. Authorities review updated technical files, recent vigilance data, and post-market surveillance information when considering certificate renewal.
Special Considerations for Product Registration
In addition to the core registration process, medical device companies entering Kyrgyzstan should factor in these key considerations:
National vs. EAEU Procedure Registration Procedures
Kyrgyzstan participates in EAEU mutual recognition agreements for product approvals with Russia, Armenia and other countries. Medical devices authorized via the EAEU process get access to these wider markets.
However, for most global companies Kyrgyzstan’s national procedure is still the preferred route. It avoids some of the more onerous EAEU requirements around local entity appointments and Russian-language labeling.
Appointing a Local Legal Entity
Foreign manufacturers are permitted to register devices directly without a local company branch or representative office. In practice, partnering with a local firm, such as Delta Medical, can provide useful assistance navigating administrative processes and import arrangements.
Public Registration Database
Kyrgyzstan operates an online public Register of Medical Equipment and Devices indicating registered devices and expiration dates. However limited certificate details are published compared to EUDAMED or other platforms.
Expanding Medical Device Opportunities in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia
While not an especially sizable healthcare market, medical device registration in Kyrgyzstan provides international companies an entryway to Central Asian and EAEU opportunities. The structured national system balances safety assurance while allowing flexibility for global manufacturers.
Partnering with expert local consultants at Delta Medical to prepare compliant registration documents and communicating with key decision-makers can help obtain approval within reasonable timeframes. Securing Kyrgyz certification first can then open the door to reciprocal approvals across Eurasia.
With strategic regulatory planning, medical innovators can include Kyrgyzstan and surrounding countries into their commercialization roadmaps – reaching new patient populations and expanding options for life-changing technologies such as diagnostics, connected devices and telehealth platforms. Understanding the appropriate protocols, cultural context and market intricacies is vital for sustainable regional growth.